Title: 4 Short Pieces for Flute & Piano
Year Completed: 1993
Duration: 2 mins
Instrumentation: Flute and Piano
Premiere: 1994 University of North Texas
Free download (PDF): Piano Score | Flute Part
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The four short pieces were written while studying at the University of North Texas with composer Cindy McTee. The work is highly influenced by the style of Webern and Schoenberg. The flute writing is quite lyric, however. The Last movement is simply cluster chords on the piano (white notes = white clusters, black notes = black clusters), while the first movement – the introduction – works its way through a single row. The second movement is a scherzo. And the third is entitled "the piece which follows after the piece which followed the introduction".
Year Completed: 1993
Duration: 2 mins
Instrumentation: Flute and Piano
Premiere: 1994 University of North Texas
Free download (PDF): Piano Score | Flute Part
Free to download and use these files!
The four short pieces were written while studying at the University of North Texas with composer Cindy McTee. The work is highly influenced by the style of Webern and Schoenberg. The flute writing is quite lyric, however. The Last movement is simply cluster chords on the piano (white notes = white clusters, black notes = black clusters), while the first movement – the introduction – works its way through a single row. The second movement is a scherzo. And the third is entitled "the piece which follows after the piece which followed the introduction".